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Industry News

The Five Fastest Growing Cities in the U.S. Right Now

You may have seen the video circulating online of a couple from California posting a sign in their back window when beginning a drive to vacation in Texas.  The sign reads, “Don’t worry, we’re just visiting!” A new report from the U.S. Census Bureau finds

Return to Office Mandates: Good or Bad?

I’ve worked from home since 2006 and have loved every minute of it! Do I miss the office comradery? Well, not really. I’m a Recruiter and am on the phone most of the day talking with clients and candidates. And when I want, or need

What we’re Seeing Out There…

It’s a good time to be a Recruiter….or an extremely frustrating one, depending on how you look at it. These past several months have seen lots of changes in our industry.  Draper & Kramer sold to New American Funding, Guild Mortgage completed 3 notable acquisitions